I’ve been looking at generating primes, and using various element-wise operations in Numpy arrays to do so. To cut the the chase, prime6 below is the fastest implementation. The ones before that tell the story of how I got there.
The following function uses a for loop to generate primes less than 100k and takes about 7 secs on my laptop:
- import numpy
- import math
- def prime2(upto=100000):
- return filter(lambda num: numpy.array([num % factor for factor in range(2,1+int(math.sqrt(num)))]).all(), range(2,upto+1))
If we remove the for loop we cut the time to about 1.3 secs:
- import numpy
- import math
- def prime(upto=100000):
- return filter(lambda num: (num % numpy.arange(2,1+int(math.sqrt(num)))).all(), range(2,upto+1))
By not including even numbers, we can run in half the time again to about .7 secs:
- import numpy
- import math
- def prime3(upto=100000):
- return [2]+filter(lambda num: (num % numpy.arange(3,1+int(math.sqrt(num)),2)).all(), range(3,upto+1,2))
The above is illustrative of efficiencies in using element-wise operations in Numpy arrays rather than looping.
A good way of speeding up the above code even further is by breaking after finding the first modulo equal zero condition. The code below runs in about .4 seconds:
- import numpy
- import math
- def prime4(upto=100000):
- primes=[2]
- for num in range(3,upto+1,2):
- isprime=True
- for factor in range(3,1+int(math.sqrt(num)),2):
- if not num % factor: isprime=False; break
- if isprime: primes.append(num)
- return primes
Ok Scruffy Pete has laid down the challenge in the comments section so I need to get serious about optimization. The code below uses a few Numpy tricks for a zippy implementation and generates 1 million primes in about .03 secs, about 6X faster than Scruffy Pete’s.
- import math
- import numpy
- def prime5(upto=100000):
- primes=numpy.arange(2,upto+1)
- isprime=numpy.ones(upto-1,dtype=bool)
- for factor in primes[:int(math.sqrt(upto))]:
- if isprime[factor-2]: isprime[factor*2-2::factor]=0
- return primes[isprime]
UPDATE 9/3 – did a half sieve style implementation of the above (see comments) which runs a little faster – under .02 secs for primes up to 1 million. Updated for Python 3 and incorporating suggestion in comments from Paul Weemaes
- import math
- import numpy
- def prime6(upto=1000000):
- primes=numpy.arange(3,upto+1,2)
- isprime=numpy.ones((upto-1)//2,dtype=bool)
- for factor in primes[:int(math.sqrt(upto))//2]:
- if isprime[(factor-2)//2]: isprime[(factor*3-2)//2::factor]=0
- return numpy.insert(primes[isprime],0,2)
The Sieve Of Eratosthenes is faster. One possible implementation:
how about this one…. primesfrom2to(n)
Very interesting – thanks Bob.
I notice that the fastest pure python solution on that post runs at about .15 secs on my machine.
My Numpy solution is about 3X better than that.
The half/third-sieve Numpy solutions primesfrom3to(n) and primesfrom2to(n) from your link are almost twice as fast as mine, which is probably expected.
At some point I’ll try to turn mine into a half sieve and get proper timings.
ok – made the change for the 1/2 sieve (see update). The code now runs comparable to the 1/2 sieve impl in bob’s link. Though dare I say my impl is a little more elegant?
I thought about having a shot at the 1/3 sieve but after a few minutes thought it may be time to stop the madness.
I posted my 1/2 sieve implementation on
They run automated tests against the submitted prime scripts, and you can see that mine (nolfonzo_prime6) wasn’t the fastest but held its own against the other numpy implementations clocking in at 12ms for 1 million primes.
You can look at the scripts and results here: http://ideone.com/oDg2Y
Some of the faster implementations dispensed with the initial prime array I had, and backed into it from the sieve, or indexes, directly at the end. I guess that’s the way you’re supposed to do a sieve but it does get a little more complicated – more memory efficient though I’m guessing.
Interesting stuff.
Pete’s is the fatest my Mac. But I love your first numpy pythonic solution without loops.
I’m not a programmer, but I’m interested in learning python. I’m trying to write a program in python. Can you please help me out?
I need to generate primes by using 2 lists,
the first list will be have only one value [2].
The second list will have odd numbers lets say from 3 to 20 [3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19]
The code should will take the first number 3 and check if 3 % 2 ==0, if it isnt, then 3 should be added to the first list [2,3] the code will then go to the next number 5 and check divisibility in reverse, if 5 % 3 ==0 if not then check if 5 % 2==0 if not then add 5 to the list [2,3,5] and so on.
May seem funny, but I’m finding it hard to program.
Also, kindly explain what is happening in the following line of your code:
return filter(lambda num: (num % numpy.arange(2,1+int(math.sqrt(num)))).all(), range(2,upto+1))
Apologies if this comment is useless but I tried my own routine for calculating primes under a certain number. It might not be the best but it’s far from the slowest and is easy to understand. It works by doing sieve on a boolean vector and converts all True values to indices. It’s odd because it avoids all division in the code.
def ajs_primes3a(upto):
mat = np.ones((upto), dtype=bool)
mat[0] = False # 0 is not a prime
mat[1] = False # 1 is (probably) not a prime
mat[4::2] = False # neither is anything divisible by 2 except 2
for idx in range(3, int(sqrt(upto)), 2): # go through odd numbers from 3 up
mat[idx*2::idx] = False # sieve them out
return np.where(mat == True) # produce a vector where elements = True which gives primes!
I also wondered whether using a sparse matrix would be quicker.
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Hi nolfonzo,
Thanx for the wonderful code! I ran into your blog after my pure Python implemention of an atkin sieve for generating primes (slightly adapted to accepts both a min and a max prime as arguments) turned out to be (too) slow when generating > approx. 10^7 primes. Your Numpy implementation is way faster, so it helped me a lot.
Your code assumes Python 2.x and this causes a minor issue when using Python 3.x: the integer division operator has changed from / in 2.x to // in 3.x. After making this minor change, it worked fine and fast (I tested with Python 3.9 and Numpy 1.19.3).
Best regards,
The loop in Prime6 can be reduced to half the number of iterations:
for factor in primes[:int(math.sqrt(upto)) // 2]:
will do
This saves math.sqrt(upto)) // 2 iterations. The gain in speed is in the order of 10%, of course mostly when upto is relatively large (>10^6)
Also, although perhaps not very practical, you could nible of a few percents if you don’t prepend 2 to the output. Then there is no more need for the numpy.insert call, which copies(!) the (possible large) narray.
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