Deep copy and recursive references

Quick one about coding a deep copy and avoiding recursive references…

Let’s say we have an instance a which has a reference to an instance b and we have to do a deep copy of a. To do this, we need a deep copy of b as well.

But let’s say b had a reference back to a.

Here it is in Python (I know Python has its own __deepcopy__() method but the below is for illustrative purposes).

class A:                                                                                                                                                                                                            
    def __init__(self,b=None):
    def deepcopy(self):
        return newA
class B:
    def __init__(self,a=None):
    def deepcopy(self):
        return newB

Now let’s execute this:

>>> a=A()
>>> b=B()
>>> a.b=b
>>> b.a=a
>>> newA=a.deepcopy()

What happens? Not pretty – a recursion limit error.

To fix this, we can keep track in a as to whether that instance has already created a copy of itself, so when it is called back from b it can just return that instance. This is sometimes called the “memo” copy. See amended code below.

class A:                                                                                                                                                                                                            
    def __init__(self,b=None):
    def deepcopy(self):
        if self.memo==None:
            return newA
            return self.memo
class B:
    def __init__(self,a=None):
    def deepcopy(self):
        return newB

Now when we execute:

>>> a=A()
>>> b=B()
>>> a.b=b
>>> b.a=a
>>> newA=a.deepcopy()
>>> newA
<__main__.A instance at 0x00D53A30>
>>> newA.b.a
<__main__.A instance at 0x00D53A30>
>>> newA2=a.deepcopy()
>>> newA2
<__main__.A instance at 0x00D53AF8>
>>> newA2.b.a
<__main__.A instance at 0x00D53AF8>

Note that the memo is removed just before the copy is handed back so that if you call deepcopy again you’ll get a new copy of a.

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3 Responses to Deep copy and recursive references

  1. Dr. J says:

    It all makes sense written down but this can really mess with your head. Thanks for publishing a very elegant solution.

    Can you provide a link to the reference for “memo” that you hint at above?

  2. Nicolas F. says:

    I couldn’t find any solution. Hopefully you point me to the right direction! Thanks a lot for this example!

  3. nolfonzo says:

    Dr J – I think I first saw the reference here:

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